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Transform Transition with these amazing resources
Watch this unmissable video for NQTs about preparing children for the start of school - put together by your amazing peers.  

EYFS Starter Page

St Mary's Hinckley (@StMarys_Hinck) has a fantastic webpage for incoming families. Well-being is at the heart of everything they do.
Take a look here.
It is easy to find.
Up all year round.
Includes dates for open days.
A friendly photo of the key team.
Photos of work stations.
A reassuring video aimed at the children showing the school - including toilets, pegs and corridors. 

Could you film a tour of the school on your phone and pop it on your social media account? It doesn't have to be professional, just friendly and clear. 

It is a great way of displaying the school 'heart' values and taking some pressure off teachers around transition. 

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The BBC has made a sweet game about the first day of school.

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